Select Page


PL – Plenary Lecture
KN – Keynote Lecture

Applied X-ray techniques Applied X-ray techniques
Catalysis Catalysis
Earth and environmental sciences Earth and environmental sciences
Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlines Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlines
Joint CXAFS/IXAS session Joint CXAFS/IXAS session
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicine Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicine
Magnetism Magnetism
Materials science and energy-related materials Materials science and energy-related materials

Nanotechnology Nanotechnology
New methods and combination of techniques New methods and combination of techniques
Radioactive and nuclear materials Radioactive and nuclear materials
Soft matter, Atoms & Molecules Soft matter, Atoms & Molecules
Software, data analysis, theoretical methods Software, data analysis, theoretical methods
Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniques Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniques
X-ray microscopy and tomography X-ray microscopy and tomography
X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopy X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photon-out spectroscopy

Lecture Halls

LH – Large Hall; EH-A – Exhibition Hall-A; EH-B – Exhibition Hall-B; MH-A – Medium Hall-A; MH-B – Medium Hall-B; SH – Small Hall; SRH – Seminar Hall

last update: 20th July 2018

Day 1: Sunday, 22nd July
09:00-16:20Workshop on Advances in XAFS Experimental Techniques: Bridging The Light Source Generations
room: SH
09:00-16:00An Introduction to XAFS Data Analysis with Athena and Artemis (and Larch)
room: EH-A
09:00-14:00Hands-on workshop on spectroscopy with FEFF and DFT
room: EH-B
09:00-14:00Hands-on workshop on EXAFS data-analysis with GNXAS/RMC/w-GNXAS(GUI)
room: SRH
room: LH
chair: Wojciech M. Kwiatek
19:00-21:00Welcome Party

Day 2: Monday, 23rd July
Prof. Tao Yao

XAFS in Energy Materials
room: LH
chair: Pieter Glatzel
10:30-10:45Mark Ridgway's session
Ch. Chantler, Ch. Glover, F. Boscherini
room: LH
chair: Pieter Glatzel
Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesSpectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesMaterials science and energy-related materialsMaterials science and energy-related materialsMagnetismMagnetismEarth and environmental sciences Earth and environmental sciences
room: EH-A&B
chair: Majed Chergui
room: MH-A
chair: Andrea Di Cicco
chair: Amelie Juhin
room: SH
chair: Augusto Marcelli
11:30-11:40Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesKN
Dr. Jakub Szlachetko

X-ray spectroscopy of nonlinear interactions of X-rays with matter
Materials science and energy-related materialsKN
Prof. Faisal Alamgir

XAFS using Combined Soft and Hard X-rays under Operando and In/Ex-situ Conditions to Solve Reaction Mechanisms in Batteries and Electrocatalysts
Dr. Corwin Booth

XAFS at the edge of the periodic table: Determining the role of 5f-orbital delocalization in bonding and magnetism
Earth and environmental sciencesKN
Dr. Andrew Berry

The quantitative determination of oxidation state ratios in minerals and melts
12:00-12:10Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesProf. Gerald Seidler
Ultrafast XES During XFEL Heating of Crystalline Fe3O4: Watching Magnetism Melt and Electrons Delocalize
Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Georg Spiekermann
Valence-to-core X-ray emission spectroscopy for insight into the first and second coordination shells in crystalline and amorphous germanium oxides
Prof. Daniel Haskel

X-ray resonant probes of magnetism at high pressures: towards realization of novel quantum spin liquids in 5d oxides
Earth and environmental sciencesProf. Chuanyong Jing
XAFS study of antimony adsorption on faceted TiO2
12:20-12:30Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesDr. Piter Miedema
Excited-state RIXS of Cobaltates
Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Themis Sidiropoulos
Attosecond dispersive soft X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy in graphite
Earth and environmental sciencesDr. Delphine Vantelon
Characterization of the network organization of iron-organic matter nano-aggregates and its impact on arsenic uptake
12:30-12:40MagnetismProf. Philippe Sainctavit
X-ray optical activity of a tricobalt extended metal atom chain
12:40-12:50Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesMr. Scott Jensen
Understanding and interpreting x-ray emission data from ultrashort pulses
Materials science and energy-related materialsMr. Salvatore Macis
Correlated strain fluctuations in BaPb1-xBixO3 promoting high temperature quantum coherence by novel Scanning-Micro-XANES
Earth and environmental sciencesMs. Marija Krstulovic
Local structural changes in amorphous NaAlGe3O8 upon compression to 50 GPa
session cont'dsession cont'dX-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyX-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photon-out spectroscopysession cont'd
room: EH-A&B
chair: Christian Bressler
chair: Paola D'Angelo
chair: Jacinto Sá
chair: Andrew Berry
14:30-14:40Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesKN
Dr. Wojciech Gawelda

Femtosecond X-ray Experiments: new observables for chemical dynamics studies
Materials science and energy-related materialsKN
Prof. Jianzhong Jiang

Atomic structure changes in amorphous alloys
X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyKN
Prof. Federico Boscherini

Studies of charge transfer in photocatalytic materials by resonant scattering methods
Earth and environmental sciencesKN
Dr. Joerg Goettlicher

Application of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy in Earth and Environmental Sciences
15:00-15:10Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesKN
Dr. Gyorgy Vanko

Tracking chemical transformations of transition metal complexes
Materials science and energy-related materialsMr. Oliviero Cannelli
Element selective probing of the photo-induced charge carriers in inorganic lead perovskites
ScatteringProf. Carlo Lamberti
The Effect of Molecular Guest Binding on the d-d Transitions of Ni2+ of CPO-27-Ni: a Combined UV-Vis, Resonant Valence to Core XES and Theoretical Study
Earth and environmental sciencesDr. Ning Chen
XAS characterization of nano-chromite particles precipitated on magnetite-biochar composites
15:20-15:30Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Didier Grandjean
Atomic-Scale Reversible Opto-Structural Switching of Few Atom Luminescent Silver Clusters in LTA Zeolites Unraveled By a Combination of XAFS and Optical Spectroscopies
ScatteringMr. Lukas Burkhardt
Exploring the Sensitivity of HERFD-XANES and VtC-XES to Probe Hydride Interactions and Spin States in Transition Metal Complexes
Earth and environmental sciencesMs. Flora Maria Brocza
Mercury speciation at a former wood preservation site
15:30-15:40Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesDr. Yohei Uemura
Ultrafast structural changes of photocatalysts studied by transient XAFS
15:40-15:50Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Aram Bugaev
Advanced characterization of palladium catalysts by in situ, operando and time-resolved X-ray absorption and scattering
ScatteringDr Piter Miedema
3d-, 3s-Partial Fluorescence yield XAS and RIXS electronic structure characterization - some insights on the L2,3-edge of 3d-metal materials
Earth and environmental sciencesMr. Marcel Görn
Structural incorporation of Mo6+ into iron oxides
Applied X-ray techniquesApplied X-ray techniquesSoft matter, Atoms & Molecules Soft matter, Atoms & Moleculessession cont'dsession cont'dNanotechnologyNanotechnology
room: EH-A
chair: Wolfgang Caliebe
room: EH-B
chair: Bronisław Orłowski
room: MH-A
chair: Faisal Alamgir
room: MH-B
chair: Federico Boscherini
room: SH
chair: Krystyna Jabłońska
16:30-16:40Applied X-ray techniquesProf. Tsun Sham
Synchrotron radiation in application to 19th century daguerreotypes
Soft matter, Atoms & MoleculesDr. Robert Hauko
K-edge absorption spectra of isoelectronic gaseous hydrides: a combination of atomic and molecular channels
Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Grigory Smolentsev
Time-resolved XAS to study molecular photocatalytic H2 evolving systems
ScatteringProf. Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt
Operando X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopic study of V-W-TiO2 catalysts for NOx removal from the diesel exhaust
NanotechnologyProf. Dirk Lützenkirchen-Hecht
EXAFS investigations of Cobalt electrodeposition
16:50-17:00Applied X-ray techniquesDr. Nicolas Finck
Iron speciation in smectites of different charge and charge location
Soft matter, Atoms & MoleculesMs. Bethan Evans
Structural Characterization of Organic Salts by Combined X-ray Raman Scattering and Excited-State DFT Calculations
Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Amélie Bordage
Photomagnetic Prussian Blue analogue as 5 nm-particles: Structural and electronic effects of size reduction
ScatteringMs. Laila H. Al-Madhagi
Combined X-ray Raman Scattering and NEXAFS Analysis of Imidazole in Aqueous Solutions: Structural Evolution during Cooling Crystallisation
NanotechnologyDr. Tristan Petit
Soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy of aqueous dispersions of nanoparticles in the water window
17:10-17:20Applied X-ray techniquesDr. Haruaki Matsuura
Local Structural Analysis of Rare Earth Complex in the Adsorbents for Extraction Chromatography
Soft matter, Atoms & MoleculesMs. Thokozile A. Kathyola
Combined operando X-ray absorption and infrared spectroscopy of multiphase multicomponent calcium carbonate crystallization processes
Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Emiliano Fonda
Pressure induced amorphization of molecular crystals: SnI4 and GeI4
ScatteringMr. Shogo Kusano
Observation of Electronic State Related to Fe Bonding in Fe-N-C Catalyst by X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
NanotechnologyDr. Jing Liu
Reversed Nanoscale Kirkendall Effect in Au-InAs Hybrid Nanoparticles
17:30-17:40Applied X-ray techniquesMr. Yakub Fam
Synchrotron nanotomography studies of hierarchical nanoporous gold catalysts
Soft matter, Atoms & MoleculesMr. Francesco Sessa
Studying metal speciation in non-conventional solvents through X-ray absorption spectroscopy and molecular dynamics
Materials science and energy-related materialsMs. Inga Jonane
Low-temperature X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of CuMoO4 and CuMo0.90W0.10O4 using advanced reverse Monte-Carlo simulations
ScatteringMr. Luke Higgins
Carbon K-edge X-Ray Raman Spectroscopy (XRS) of Sustainable Hydrothermal Carbons at two Popular Beamlines (APS-ID20, ESRF-ID20)
NanotechnologyMs. Marte van der Linden
From silver ions to atomically monodisperse Ag29 clusters
18:00-20:00SOLARIS Tour

Day 3: Tuesday, 24th July
Prof. Melissa Denecke

X-ray speciation studies of materials and processes related to the nuclear fuel cycle
room: LH
chair: Matthew Newville
10:30-10:45Ziu Wu's session
S. Wei, A. Marcelli, K. Hatada
room: LH
chair: Matthew Newville

Poster Session I

List of posters

Day 4: Wednesday, 25th July
Software, data analysis, theoretical methods Software, data analysis, theoretical methodsCatalysisCatalysisMaterials science and energy-related materialsMaterials science and energy-related materialsLife science, biology, biochemistry and medicine Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicine
room: EH-A
chair: Joshua Kas
room: MH-A
chair: Valérie Briois
room: MH-B
chair: Tsun Sham
room: SH
chair: Sofia Diaz-Moreno
11:00-11:10Software, data analysis, theoretical methodsKN
Dr. Keith Gilmore

First principles Calculations of Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering
Prof. Kiyotaka Asakura

Elucidation of local structure change of photocatalysts during the photoabsorption process by use of fs-ps pump-probe XAFS method
Material ScienceKN
Dr. Antonella Iadecola

Decoupling cationic-anionic redox processes in Li-rich cathodes using operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineKN
Prof. Jacinto Sá

Atomic telemetry: in situ determination of anti-cancer drug mechanism of action
11:30-11:40Software, data analysis, theoretical methodsDr. Yves Joly
Ab initio simulation of Surface Resonant X-ray Diffraction
Dr. Ritimukta Sarangi

Homogeneous Catalysis at SSRL: From Metalloenzymes to Energy Materials
Material ScienceProf. Holger Meyerheim
Surface doping of Bi2Se3(0001) by Cr and Au studied by EXAFS
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineKN
Dr. Marcin Klepka

XAFS studies of non-crystalline metal organic-ligand complexes
11:50-12:00Software, data analysis, theoretical methodsMr. Martin Schalken
Propagation of uncertainty in experiment: structures of Ni (II) coordination complexes
Material ScienceDr. Henning Lichtenberg
Synchrotron-based operando studies of Ni-based catalysts for methanation of CO2
12:00-12:10CatalysisProf. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Single particle XAS spectroscopy to elucidate fundamental processes in catalysis
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. Katharina Witte
A Carbon K-edge NEXAFS Study of the Chlorophyll Derivative Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin and its Breakdown Products
12:10-12:20Software + theoretical methodsDr. Nadejda Bouldi
Calculations of core level spectroscopies including many-body effects: influence of the model
Material ScienceMr. Angelo Mullaliu
The peculiar redox mechanism of copper nitroprusside disclosed by a multi-technique approach
12:20-12:30CatalysisDr. Elisa Borfecchia
XAS reveals structure-activity relationships for the methane to methanol conversion over Cu-SSZ-13 zeolites
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineMr. Michał Nowakowski
Attempt to determine the structure of the huPrPC-Cu(II)/Zn(II) complexes.
12:30-12:40Material ScienceDr. Augusto Marcelli
The dynamics of Fe oxidation in amphiboles: electronics processes vs. local structural strain by means of simultaneous XRD and XAS experiments
12:40-12:50CatalysisDr. Xiao Yan Liu
Resolving structures of atomically dispersed M-N-C catalysts
13:45-14:30Special session
Technical details of the new high energy (1830-10000 eV) XAS station on SOLARIS
room: SH
session cont'dInstrumentation, new sources and new beamlines Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlinessession cont'dsession cont'dLife science, biology, biochemistry and medicine Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicine
room: EH-A
chair: Keith Gilmore
room: EH-B
chair: Henryk Fiedorowicz
room: MH-A
chair: Hikaru Takaya
room: MH-B
chair: Agnieszka Witkowska
room: SH
chair: Jason Shearer
14:30-14:40Software + theoretical methodsProf. Anatoly Frenkel
Advances in nanoparticle structure characterization by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlinesKN
Prof. Birgit Kanngiesser

Current and future possibilities of XAFS in the laboratory
Dr. Andrea Zitolo

IIdentification of catalytic sites in non-precious metal electrocatalysts for PEM fuel cells
Material ScienceProf. Sang-Wook Han
The influence of structural disorder and phonon on the metal-to-insulator transition of VO2
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineKN
Dr. Junko Yano

Taking Snapshots of Water Oxidation Reaction in Photosystem II at X-ray Free Electron Lasers
14:50-15:00Software + theoretical methodsDr. Joshua Kas
Corvus: A Workflow Tool for X-Ray and Related Spectroscopies
Material ScienceDr. Lucia Amidani
Oxidation and luminescence quenching of europium doped BaMgAl10O17 probed by HERFD-XANES
15:00-15:10Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlinesKN
Dr. Jakob Andreasson

The study of ultrafast phenomena using X-ray spectroscopy and related techniques at the ELI Beamlines facility
CatalysisDr. Fernando Vila
Dynamic anomalies in the nanoscale structure and disorder of supported metal nanoparticles
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. Mikhail Soldatov
The Insight into Td3+/Oh2+/3+ Fe Site Distribution in Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles for Medical Applications.
15:10-15:20Software + theoretical methodsProf. Alain Michalowicz
Multivariate Curve Resolution with Alternating Least Square Fitting: An optimized algorithm for providing chemical speciation from time-resolved XAS data with a high time frame
Material ScienceMr. Krzysztof Maćkosz
Local structure of dopants in bismuth chalcogenides probed with EXAFS
15:20-15:30CatalysisMr. Christopher Schlesiger
Catalysis research with laboratory XAFS – two first application examples
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. Paweł Rejmak
Refining the structures of novel Cu(II) bioactive complexes: XAFS spectroscopy, laboratory techniques and DFT calculations
15:30-15:40Software + theoretical methodsProf. Alain Michalowicz
A tribute to Gilberto Vlaic
Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlinesDr. Mauro Rovezzi
TEXS: high-efficiency in-vacuum tender X-ray emission spectrometer based on eleven cylindrically bent Johansson crystal analyzers
Material ScienceDr. Gianluca Ciatto
Ga clustering and Ga-H interaction in virgin and hydrogenated InGaN/GaN nanostructures addressed via Ga K-edge diffraction anomalous fine structure spectroscopy
15:40-15:50CatalysisMr. Akihiko Kato
Effect of CO2 on NOx Storage and Reduction (NSR) catalyst studied by spatio-temporal operando XAFS
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. Joanna Kowalska
Insights into the Magnetic Coupling of Iron and Heterometal Atoms in FeMo and FeV Cofactor of Nitrogenase Enzyme
session cont'dsession cont'dsession cont'dsession cont'dsession cont'd
room: EH-A
chair: Anatoly Frenkel
room:: EH-B
chair: Wojciech Gawełda
room: MH-A
chair: Ritimukta Sarangi
room: MH-B
chair: Antonella Iadecola
room: SH
chair: Maciej Kozak
16:30-16:40Software + theoretical methodsProf. Keisuke Hatada
Recent developments on ES2MS package
InstrumentationDr. Ioanna Mantouvalou
Nanosecond pump-probe soft X-ray NEXAFS spectroscopy using a laser-produced plasma source
CatalysisMs. Dzulija Kuzmenko
X-ray absorption spectroscopy as a tool for in situ investigating sulfur poisoning and regeneration of ruthenium supported nanoparticles for dry biomass derived syngas methanation
Material ScienceProf. Shinjiro Hayakawa
Metal Chelation with Carboxylic Acids and its structure in solution as strategy to accelerate the electrodeposition of metals in nanocavities
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. Shino Homma-Takeda
Two-dimensional μXAFS for uranium in kidney of rats exposed to uranyl acetate
16:50-17:00Software + theoretical methodsDr. Alexander Guda
Multiplet ligand field approach based on Wannier functions for ab initio simulations of RIXS
InstrumentationMr. William Holden
A Versatile Tender X-ray Emission Spectrometer for Benchtop Analytical XES and Synchrotron RIXS Without Constraint on Source Size
CatalysisDr. Rafal Baran
Dynamic changes of Mn species in MnSiBEA zeolite under NH3-SCR realistic conditions monitored by XAS and XES spectroscopies
Material ScienceDr. Tomohiro Sakata
In-situ observation of the adsorption species on carbon-supported Platinum catalyst in polymer electrolyte fuel cells probed by HERFD-XANES
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. George Cutsail
High-Resolution EXAFS Supports an Open-Core Structure in the Q Intermediate of Methane Monooxygenase
17:10-17:20Software + theoretical methodsDr. Masashi Ishii
Model-free determination of interatomic distance by using a new mathematical XAFS oscillation analysis
InstrumentationDr. Oliver Mueller
From point-to-point, to continuous and quick scanning EXAFS: achieving time resolution
CatalysisMr. Chen Liu
in situ XAS study of temperature effect on the oxygen reduction reaction of Pt-Pd/C core-shell catalyst
Material ScienceDr. Alexey Boubnov
In-situ EXAFS/XANES Studies of Reactive Sorption of Hydrogen Sulfide by Copper Oxide Sorbents
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineMrs. Maria Magdalena Grzelak
Quantification of selected elements and speciation of iron in ovarian cancer tumours and their potential as a malignancies indicator
17:30-17:40Software + theoretical methodsDr. Dmitry Bocharov
Interpretation of the Cu K-edge EXAFS spectra of Cu3N using ab initio molecular dynamics
InstrumentationDr. Gülperi Cavusoglu
Investigation of a Rh/CeO2 Catalyst and a Pd Membrane in a Micro-Structured Membrane Reactor
CatalysisDr. Husn Ubayda Islam
Operando Infrared and XAS study of NO adsorption on zeolite supported palladium under complex gas feeds
Material ScienceDr. Soma Chattopadhyay
In situ XANES/EXAFS study of the formation of doped and undoped hollow γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. Michael Haumann
Effective Intermediate-Spin Iron in O2-Transporting Heme Proteins
19:00-23:00Conference Dinner

Day 5: Thursday, 26th July
9:00-11:30Excursion - Kraków Walking Tour
Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlines Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlinesMagnetismMagnetismRadioactive and nuclear materialsRadioactive and nuclear materialsNew methods and combination of techniques New methods and combination of techniques
room: EH-A
chair: Jakob Andreasson
room: EH-B
chair: Philippe Sainctavit
room: MH-A
chair: Melissa Denecke
room: MH-B
chair: Edmund Welter
11:30-11:40Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlinesKN
Dr. Narcizio Souza-Neto

X-ray spectroscopy at the Extreme condition Beamline of Sirius source: study of rare earths and actinides
Dr. Amelie Juhin

Advanced magnetic spectroscopies for the fine characterization of magnetic nanomaterials
Radioactive and nuclear materialsKN
Dr. Tonya Vitova

HR-XANES/RIXS structural studies of actinide materials
New methods and combination of techniquesKN
Dr. Valentina Migliorati

Structural properties of disordered systems: a combined Molecular Dynamics and XAS approach
12:00-12:10InstrumentationDr. Marcin Zając
PEEM/XAS beamline at SOLARIS: Status of the commissioning and first results
Dr. Marcin Sikora

Mixed valence oxides – interplay between structure and magnetism revealed by X-ray spectroscopy
Radioactive and nuclear materialsDr. Joerg Rothe
XAFS and µ-XANES/XRF investigation of highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel fragments at the KIT synchrotron source
New methods and combination of techniquesProf. Christopher Chantler
Accuracy and insight possible with advanced methods in absorption and fluorescence XAS
12:20-12:30InstrumentationDr. Wolfgang A. Caliebe
XAFS at PETRA IV – What can be done?
Radioactive and nuclear materialsDr. Sergei Butorin
Electronic structure of actinide compounds by high-resolution x-ray absorption spectroscopy
New methods and combination of techniquesDr. Steffen Witte
S2XAFS@work: Customization for the Characterization of VOx based Catalysts
12:30-12:40MagnetismDr. Michał Studniarek
Slowing down magnetization relaxation of lanthanide phthalocyanine double deckers using a thin oxide film
12:40-12:50InstrumentationDr. Thomas Huthwelker
XES Microspectroscopy: A new von Hamos Spectrometer for tender x-rays at the PHOENIX beamline
Radioactive and nuclear materialsMr. Evgeny Gerber
High energy resolution X-ray spectroscopy and diffraction studies of plutonium oxide nanoparticles
New methods and combination of techniquesMs. Ellie Dann
Following the Evolution of Supported PdO nanoparticle catalysts using a combined XAFS/DRIFTS method
13:15-14:30Meeting of the German XAFS Community
room: EH-A
General Assembly of the Polish Synchrotron Radiation Society
room: MH-A
session cont'dsession cont'dX-ray microscopy and tomography X-ray microscopy and tomographyX-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyX-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photon-out spectroscopy
room: EH-A
chair: Marek Stankiewicz
room: EH-B
chair: Sakura Pascarelli
room: MH-A
chair: Joerg Goettlicher
room: MH-B
chair: Gyorgy Vanko
Dr. Przemysław Wachulak

Laser plasma source of the extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation for NEXAFS and imaging applications
Dr. Gloria Subias

Charge and magnetic orders in single-layer transition-metal oxides: an insight from XAS, XES and REXS
X-ray microscopy and tomographyKN
Prof. Alessandro Olivo

Non-interferometric approaches to x-ray phase contrast imaging
X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyKN
Dr. Christoph Sahle

X-ray Raman scattering spectroscopy

15:00-15:10InstrumentationMr. Nicola Di Palo
Attosecond Water-Window Soft X-ray source for XANES
MagnetismMs. Hebatalla Elnaggar
Dynamical local correlations in Magnetite revealed by Fe 2p3d RIXS MCD
X-ray microscopy and tomographyProf. Masao Kimura
Identification of trigger sites in crack-formation during heterogeneous reduction of iron-ore sinters using persistent homology
X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyMs. Fukiko Ota
Theoretical calculation of X-ray absorption near edge structure and photoelectron angular distribution for gas-phase molecule
15:20-15:30InstrumentationDr. Steve Heald
Sector 25 at the APS-U: Two new beamlines for spectroscopy
MagnetismMr. Juliusz Kuciakowski
Development of superparamagnetism in solutions of nanoparticles studied by means of 1s2p RIXS-MCD
X-ray microscopy and tomographyProf. J. Fred Mosselmans
Using XANES mapping to examine the speciation of metal debris in tissue
X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyProf. Joaquin Garcia
Charge superstructure in single-layered La2-xCaxCoO4±δ (0.4≤x≤0.7) studied by resonant x-ray scattering
15:40-15:50InstrumentationDr. Messaoud Harfouche
XAFS/XRF Beamline at SESAME: First Monochromatic Light in the Middle East
MagnetismDr. S. Fatemeh Shams
Characterization of Pd-decorated cobalt ferrite nanoparticles for magnetic ferrofluid hyperthermia applications
X-ray microscopy and tomographyDr. Zou Finfrock
Confocal x-ray fluorescence microscopy at the Advanced Photon Source sector 20
X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyMr. Saleh Aghakhani
Isolated Ag Cations Interacting with Luminescent Ag Clusters Confined in FAU Zeolites Identified as Highly Active Sites for CO Oxidation By a Combination of XEOL-XAFS, DRIFT and PL Spectroscopy
CatalysisCatalysissession cont'dRadioactive and nuclear materialsRadioactive and nuclear materialsJoint CXAFS/IXAS sessionJoint CXAFS/IXAS session
room: EH-A
chair: Kiyotaka Asakura
room: EH-B
chair: Gloria Subias
room: MH-A
chair: Tonya Vitova
room: MH-B
chair: Christopher Chantler
16:30-16:40CatalysisDr. Rok Bohinc
Distribution of aluminum over different T-sites in ferrierite zeolites studied with aluminum valence to core X-ray emission spectroscopy
MagnetismDr. Hengli Duan
Beating the exclusion rule against the coexistence of robust luminescence and ferromagnetism in chalcogenide monolayers
RadioactiveDr. Akihiro Uehara
High temperature reactions of UO2, ZrO2, B4C, CaO, and SiO2 under reducing and oxidizing atmospheres
Short introduction
16:40-16:50Joint CXAFS/IXAS sessionProf. Farideh Jalilehvand
Aerobic Reactions of Antitumor Active Rh2(CH3COO)4 with Glutathione, Cysteine and Its Derivatives
16:50-17:00CatalysisDr. Aleksandra Wandzilak
STXM study of Fe-based NH3 synthesis and decomposition catalyst
MagnetismDr. Verena Ney
Electric field-induced changes in the magnetic properties in doped semiconductors with lack of inversion symmetry
RadioactiveMr. Aaron Beck
U/Pu M4,5 edge HR-XANES investigations (i) of aqueous/colloidal Pu and (ii) at the Zircaloy cladding/spent nuclear fuel interface
17:00-17:10Joint CXAFS/IXAS sessionProf. Peter Krüger
Transition metal L-edge spectra with ligand-field multiplet parameters from density functional theory
17:10-17:20CatalysisDr. Yuanjie Cao
Structure-activity correlations of Co single-sites photocatalyst studied by XAFS
MagnetismDr. Nadejda Bouldi
Electronic and magnetic properties of iron hydride under pressure using XAS and XMCD at the Fe K-edge: a combined theoretical and experimental study
RadioactiveDr. René Bes
X-ray absorption spectroscopy at laboratory scale: towards new actinide research opportunities.
17:20-17:30Joint CXAFS/IXAS sessionDr. Hidekazu Ikeno
Analyzing RIXS and RIXS-MCD of Iron Oxides by the Ab-initio Multiplet Method
17:30-17:40CatalysisMr. Cody Wrasman
Structure-activity relationships of Au-Pd single-atom alloys for selective oxidation studied by EXAFS
MagnetismDr. Hao Tan
XAFS study on the ferromagnetism in Mn-doped MoS2 nanosheets
RadioactiveDr. Sarah Saslow
Understanding Tc-99 Retention in Ettringite for Improving Cementitious Waste Forms
17:40-17:50Joint CXAFS/IXAS sessionMr. Ryan Trevorah
Solving Self-Absorption in Fluorescence: Stereochemical Analysis of mM solutions

Poster Session II

List of posters

Day 6: Friday, 27th July
Prof. Andrea Di Cicco

X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy investigations of disordered matter
room: LH
chair: Daniel Haskel
11:00-11:15Tadashi Matsushita's session
Hitoshi Abe, Sakura Pascarelli, Kiyotaka Asakura

room: LH
chair: Hiroyuki Oyanagi
11:30-11:40Ed Stern's session
Daniel Haskel, Matthew Newville, Bruce Bunker

room: LH
chair: Hiroyuki Oyanagi
12:10-12:20IXAS Awards
Matthew Newville, Pieter Glatzel
Summary remarks & Closing

14:00-16:00SOLARIS Tour
Day 1: Sunday, 22nd July
09:00-16:20Workshop on Advances in XAFS Experimental Techniques: Bridging The Light Source Generations
room: SH
09:00-16:00An Introduction to XAFS Data Analysis with Athena and Artemis (and Larch)
room: EH-A
09:00-14:00Hands-on workshop on spectroscopy with FEFF and DFT
room: EH-B
09:00-14:00Hands-on workshop on EXAFS data-analysis with GNXAS/RMC/w-GNXAS(GUI)
room: SRH
room: LH
chair: Wojciech M. Kwiatek
19:00-21:00Welcome Party
Day 2: Monday, 23rd July
Prof. Tao Yao

XAFS in Energy Materials
room: LH
chair: Pieter Glatzel
10:30-10:45Mark Ridgway's session
Ch. Chantler, Ch. Glover, F. Boscherini
room: LH
chair: Pieter Glatzel
Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesSpectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesMaterials science and energy-related materialsMaterials science and energy-related materialsMagnetismMagnetismEarth and environmental sciences Earth and environmental sciences
room: EH-A&B
chair: Majed Chergui
room: MH-A
chair: Andrea Di Cicco
chair: Amelie Juhin
room: SH
chair: Augusto Marcelli
11:30-11:40Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesKN
Dr. Jakub Szlachetko

X-ray spectroscopy of nonlinear interactions of X-rays with matter
Materials science and energy-related materialsKN
Prof. Faisal Alamgir

XAFS using Combined Soft and Hard X-rays under Operando and In/Ex-situ Conditions to Solve Reaction Mechanisms in Batteries and Electrocatalysts
Dr. Corwin Booth

XAFS at the edge of the periodic table: Determining the role of 5f-orbital delocalization in bonding and magnetism
Earth and environmental sciencesKN
Dr. Andrew Berry

The quantitative determination of oxidation state ratios in minerals and melts
12:00-12:10Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesProf. Gerald Seidler
Ultrafast XES During XFEL Heating of Crystalline Fe3O4: Watching Magnetism Melt and Electrons Delocalize
Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Georg Spiekermann
Valence-to-core X-ray emission spectroscopy for insight into the first and second coordination shells in crystalline and amorphous germanium oxides
Prof. Daniel Haskel

X-ray resonant probes of magnetism at high pressures: towards realization of novel quantum spin liquids in 5d oxides
Earth and environmental sciencesProf. Chuanyong Jing
XAFS study of antimony adsorption on faceted TiO2
12:20-12:30Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesDr. Piter Miedema
Excited-state RIXS of Cobaltates
Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Themis Sidiropoulos
Attosecond dispersive soft X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy in graphite
Earth and environmental sciencesDr. Delphine Vantelon
Characterization of the network organization of iron-organic matter nano-aggregates and its impact on arsenic uptake
12:30-12:40MagnetismProf. Philippe Sainctavit
X-ray optical activity of a tricobalt extended metal atom chain
12:40-12:50Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesMr. Scott Jensen
Understanding and interpreting x-ray emission data from ultrashort pulses
Materials science and energy-related materialsMr. Salvatore Macis
Correlated strain fluctuations in BaPb1-xBixO3 promoting high temperature quantum coherence by novel Scanning-Micro-XANES
Earth and environmental sciencesMs. Marija Krstulovic
Local structural changes in amorphous NaAlGe3O8 upon compression to 50 GPa
session cont'dsession cont'dX-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyX-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photon-out spectroscopysession cont'd
room: EH-A&B
chair: Christian Bressler
chair: Paola D'Angelo
chair: Jacinto Sá
chair: Andrew Berry
14:30-14:40Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesKN
Dr. Wojciech Gawelda

Femtosecond X-ray Experiments: new observables for chemical dynamics studies
Materials science and energy-related materialsKN
Prof. Jianzhong Jiang

Atomic structure changes in amorphous alloys
X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyKN
Prof. Federico Boscherini

Studies of charge transfer in photocatalytic materials by resonant scattering methods
Earth and environmental sciencesKN
Dr. Joerg Goettlicher

Application of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy in Earth and Environmental Sciences
15:00-15:10Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesKN
Dr. Gyorgy Vanko

Tracking chemical transformations of transition metal complexes
Materials science and energy-related materialsMr. Oliviero Cannelli
Element selective probing of the photo-induced charge carriers in inorganic lead perovskites
ScatteringProf. Carlo Lamberti
The Effect of Molecular Guest Binding on the d-d Transitions of Ni2+ of CPO-27-Ni: a Combined UV-Vis, Resonant Valence to Core XES and Theoretical Study
Earth and environmental sciencesDr. Ning Chen
XAS characterization of nano-chromite particles precipitated on magnetite-biochar composites
15:20-15:30Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Didier Grandjean
Atomic-Scale Reversible Opto-Structural Switching of Few Atom Luminescent Silver Clusters in LTA Zeolites Unraveled By a Combination of XAFS and Optical Spectroscopies
ScatteringMr. Lukas Burkhardt
Exploring the Sensitivity of HERFD-XANES and VtC-XES to Probe Hydride Interactions and Spin States in Transition Metal Complexes
Earth and environmental sciencesMs. Flora Maria Brocza
Mercury speciation at a former wood preservation site
15:30-15:40Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniquesDr. Yohei Uemura
Ultrafast structural changes of photocatalysts studied by transient XAFS
15:40-15:50Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Aram Bugaev
Advanced characterization of palladium catalysts by in situ, operando and time-resolved X-ray absorption and scattering
ScatteringDr Piter Miedema
3d-, 3s-Partial Fluorescence yield XAS and RIXS electronic structure characterization - some insights on the L2,3-edge of 3d-metal materials
Earth and environmental sciencesMr. Marcel Görn
Structural incorporation of Mo6+ into iron oxides
Applied X-ray techniquesApplied X-ray techniquesSoft matter, Atoms & Molecules Soft matter, Atoms & Moleculessession cont'dsession cont'dNanotechnologyNanotechnology
room: EH-A
chair: Wolfgang Caliebe
room: EH-B
chair: Bronisław Orłowski
room: MH-A
chair: Faisal Alamgir
room: MH-B
chair: Federico Boscherini
room: SH
chair: Krystyna Jabłońska
16:30-16:40Applied X-ray techniquesProf. Tsun Sham
Synchrotron radiation in application to 19th century daguerreotypes
Soft matter, Atoms & MoleculesDr. Robert Hauko
K-edge absorption spectra of isoelectronic gaseous hydrides: a combination of atomic and molecular channels
Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Grigory Smolentsev
Time-resolved XAS to study molecular photocatalytic H2 evolving systems
ScatteringProf. Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt
Operando X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopic study of V-W-TiO2 catalysts for NOx removal from the diesel exhaust
NanotechnologyProf. Dirk Lützenkirchen-Hecht
EXAFS investigations of Cobalt electrodeposition
16:50-17:00Applied X-ray techniquesDr. Nicolas Finck
Iron speciation in smectites of different charge and charge location
Soft matter, Atoms & MoleculesMs. Bethan Evans
Structural Characterization of Organic Salts by Combined X-ray Raman Scattering and Excited-State DFT Calculations
Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Amélie Bordage
Photomagnetic Prussian Blue analogue as 5 nm-particles: Structural and electronic effects of size reduction
ScatteringMs. Laila H. Al-Madhagi
Combined X-ray Raman Scattering and NEXAFS Analysis of Imidazole in Aqueous Solutions: Structural Evolution during Cooling Crystallisation
NanotechnologyDr. Tristan Petit
Soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy of aqueous dispersions of nanoparticles in the water window
17:10-17:20Applied X-ray techniquesDr. Haruaki Matsuura
Local Structural Analysis of Rare Earth Complex in the Adsorbents for Extraction Chromatography
Soft matter, Atoms & MoleculesMs. Thokozile A. Kathyola
Combined operando X-ray absorption and infrared spectroscopy of multiphase multicomponent calcium carbonate crystallization processes
Materials science and energy-related materialsDr. Emiliano Fonda
Pressure induced amorphization of molecular crystals: SnI4 and GeI4
ScatteringMr. Shogo Kusano
Observation of Electronic State Related to Fe Bonding in Fe-N-C Catalyst by X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
NanotechnologyDr. Jing Liu
Reversed Nanoscale Kirkendall Effect in Au-InAs Hybrid Nanoparticles
17:30-17:40Applied X-ray techniquesMr. Yakub Fam
Synchrotron nanotomography studies of hierarchical nanoporous gold catalysts
Soft matter, Atoms & MoleculesMr. Francesco Sessa
Studying metal speciation in non-conventional solvents through X-ray absorption spectroscopy and molecular dynamics
Materials science and energy-related materialsMs. Inga Jonane
Low-temperature X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of CuMoO4 and CuMo0.90W0.10O4 using advanced reverse Monte-Carlo simulations
ScatteringMr. Luke Higgins
Carbon K-edge X-Ray Raman Spectroscopy (XRS) of Sustainable Hydrothermal Carbons at two Popular Beamlines (APS-ID20, ESRF-ID20)
NanotechnologyMs. Marte van der Linden
From silver ions to atomically monodisperse Ag29 clusters
18:00-20:00SOLARIS Tour
Day 3: Tuesday, 24th July
Prof. Melissa Denecke

X-ray speciation studies of materials and processes related to the nuclear fuel cycle
room: LH
chair: Matthew Newville
10:30-10:45Ziu Wu's session
S. Wei, A. Marcelli, K. Hatada
room: LH
chair: Matthew Newville

Poster Session I

List of posters
Day 4: Wednesday, 25th July
Software, data analysis, theoretical methods Software, data analysis, theoretical methodsCatalysisCatalysisMaterials science and energy-related materialsMaterials science and energy-related materialsLife science, biology, biochemistry and medicine Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicine
room: EH-A
chair: Joshua Kas
room: MH-A
chair: Valérie Briois
room: MH-B
chair: Tsun Sham
room: SH
chair: Sofia Diaz-Moreno
11:00-11:10Software, data analysis, theoretical methodsKN
Dr. Keith Gilmore

First principles Calculations of Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering
Prof. Kiyotaka Asakura

Elucidation of local structure change of photocatalysts during the photoabsorption process by use of fs-ps pump-probe XAFS method
Material ScienceKN
Dr. Antonella Iadecola

Decoupling cationic-anionic redox processes in Li-rich cathodes using operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineKN
Prof. Jacinto Sá

Atomic telemetry: in situ determination of anti-cancer drug mechanism of action
11:30-11:40Software, data analysis, theoretical methodsDr. Yves Joly
Ab initio simulation of Surface Resonant X-ray Diffraction
Dr. Ritimukta Sarangi

Homogeneous Catalysis at SSRL: From Metalloenzymes to Energy Materials
Material ScienceProf. Holger Meyerheim
Surface doping of Bi2Se3(0001) by Cr and Au studied by EXAFS
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineKN
Dr. Marcin Klepka

XAFS studies of non-crystalline metal organic-ligand complexes
11:50-12:00Software, data analysis, theoretical methodsMr. Martin Schalken
Propagation of uncertainty in experiment: structures of Ni (II) coordination complexes
Material ScienceDr. Henning Lichtenberg
Synchrotron-based operando studies of Ni-based catalysts for methanation of CO2
12:00-12:10CatalysisProf. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Single particle XAS spectroscopy to elucidate fundamental processes in catalysis
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. Katharina Witte
A Carbon K-edge NEXAFS Study of the Chlorophyll Derivative Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin and its Breakdown Products
12:10-12:20Software + theoretical methodsDr. Nadejda Bouldi
Calculations of core level spectroscopies including many-body effects: influence of the model
Material ScienceMr. Angelo Mullaliu
The peculiar redox mechanism of copper nitroprusside disclosed by a multi-technique approach
12:20-12:30CatalysisDr. Elisa Borfecchia
XAS reveals structure-activity relationships for the methane to methanol conversion over Cu-SSZ-13 zeolites
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineMr. Michał Nowakowski
Attempt to determine the structure of the huPrPC-Cu(II)/Zn(II) complexes.
12:30-12:40Material ScienceDr. Augusto Marcelli
The dynamics of Fe oxidation in amphiboles: electronics processes vs. local structural strain by means of simultaneous XRD and XAS experiments
12:40-12:50CatalysisDr. Xiao Yan Liu
Resolving structures of atomically dispersed M-N-C catalysts
13:45-14:30Special session
Technical details of the new high energy (1830-10000 eV) XAS station on SOLARIS
room: SH
session cont'dInstrumentation, new sources and new beamlines Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlinessession cont'dsession cont'dLife science, biology, biochemistry and medicine Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicine
room: EH-A
chair: Keith Gilmore
room: EH-B
chair: Henryk Fiedorowicz
room: MH-A
chair: Hikaru Takaya
room: MH-B
chair: Agnieszka Witkowska
room: SH
chair: Jason Shearer
14:30-14:40Software + theoretical methodsProf. Anatoly Frenkel
Advances in nanoparticle structure characterization by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlinesKN
Prof. Birgit Kanngiesser

Current and future possibilities of XAFS in the laboratory
Dr. Andrea Zitolo

IIdentification of catalytic sites in non-precious metal electrocatalysts for PEM fuel cells
Material ScienceProf. Sang-Wook Han
The influence of structural disorder and phonon on the metal-to-insulator transition of VO2
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineKN
Dr. Junko Yano

Taking Snapshots of Water Oxidation Reaction in Photosystem II at X-ray Free Electron Lasers
14:50-15:00Software + theoretical methodsDr. Joshua Kas
Corvus: A Workflow Tool for X-Ray and Related Spectroscopies
Material ScienceDr. Lucia Amidani
Oxidation and luminescence quenching of europium doped BaMgAl10O17 probed by HERFD-XANES
15:00-15:10Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlinesKN
Dr. Jakob Andreasson

The study of ultrafast phenomena using X-ray spectroscopy and related techniques at the ELI Beamlines facility
CatalysisDr. Fernando Vila
Dynamic anomalies in the nanoscale structure and disorder of supported metal nanoparticles
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. Mikhail Soldatov
The Insight into Td3+/Oh2+/3+ Fe Site Distribution in Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles for Medical Applications.
15:10-15:20Software + theoretical methodsProf. Alain Michalowicz
Multivariate Curve Resolution with Alternating Least Square Fitting: An optimized algorithm for providing chemical speciation from time-resolved XAS data with a high time frame
Material ScienceMr. Krzysztof Maćkosz
Local structure of dopants in bismuth chalcogenides probed with EXAFS
15:20-15:30CatalysisMr. Christopher Schlesiger
Catalysis research with laboratory XAFS – two first application examples
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. Paweł Rejmak
Refining the structures of novel Cu(II) bioactive complexes: XAFS spectroscopy, laboratory techniques and DFT calculations
15:30-15:40Software + theoretical methodsProf. Alain Michalowicz
A tribute to Gilberto Vlaic
Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlinesDr. Mauro Rovezzi
TEXS: high-efficiency in-vacuum tender X-ray emission spectrometer based on eleven cylindrically bent Johansson crystal analyzers
Material ScienceDr. Gianluca Ciatto
Ga clustering and Ga-H interaction in virgin and hydrogenated InGaN/GaN nanostructures addressed via Ga K-edge diffraction anomalous fine structure spectroscopy
15:40-15:50CatalysisMr. Akihiko Kato
Effect of CO2 on NOx Storage and Reduction (NSR) catalyst studied by spatio-temporal operando XAFS
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. Joanna Kowalska
Insights into the Magnetic Coupling of Iron and Heterometal Atoms in FeMo and FeV Cofactor of Nitrogenase Enzyme
session cont'dsession cont'dsession cont'dsession cont'dsession cont'd
room: EH-A
chair: Anatoly Frenkel
room:: EH-B
chair: Wojciech Gawełda
room: MH-A
chair: Ritimukta Sarangi
room: MH-B
chair: Antonella Iadecola
room: SH
chair: Maciej Kozak
16:30-16:40Software + theoretical methodsProf. Keisuke Hatada
Recent developments on ES2MS package
InstrumentationDr. Ioanna Mantouvalou
Nanosecond pump-probe soft X-ray NEXAFS spectroscopy using a laser-produced plasma source
CatalysisMs. Dzulija Kuzmenko
X-ray absorption spectroscopy as a tool for in situ investigating sulfur poisoning and regeneration of ruthenium supported nanoparticles for dry biomass derived syngas methanation
Material ScienceProf. Shinjiro Hayakawa
Metal Chelation with Carboxylic Acids and its structure in solution as strategy to accelerate the electrodeposition of metals in nanocavities
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. Shino Homma-Takeda
Two-dimensional μXAFS for uranium in kidney of rats exposed to uranyl acetate
16:50-17:00Software + theoretical methodsDr. Alexander Guda
Multiplet ligand field approach based on Wannier functions for ab initio simulations of RIXS
InstrumentationMr. William Holden
A Versatile Tender X-ray Emission Spectrometer for Benchtop Analytical XES and Synchrotron RIXS Without Constraint on Source Size
CatalysisDr. Rafal Baran
Dynamic changes of Mn species in MnSiBEA zeolite under NH3-SCR realistic conditions monitored by XAS and XES spectroscopies
Material ScienceDr. Tomohiro Sakata
In-situ observation of the adsorption species on carbon-supported Platinum catalyst in polymer electrolyte fuel cells probed by HERFD-XANES
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. George Cutsail
High-Resolution EXAFS Supports an Open-Core Structure in the Q Intermediate of Methane Monooxygenase
17:10-17:20Software + theoretical methodsDr. Masashi Ishii
Model-free determination of interatomic distance by using a new mathematical XAFS oscillation analysis
InstrumentationDr. Oliver Mueller
From point-to-point, to continuous and quick scanning EXAFS: achieving time resolution
CatalysisMr. Chen Liu
in situ XAS study of temperature effect on the oxygen reduction reaction of Pt-Pd/C core-shell catalyst
Material ScienceDr. Alexey Boubnov
In-situ EXAFS/XANES Studies of Reactive Sorption of Hydrogen Sulfide by Copper Oxide Sorbents
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineMrs. Maria Magdalena Grzelak
Quantification of selected elements and speciation of iron in ovarian cancer tumours and their potential as a malignancies indicator
17:30-17:40Software + theoretical methodsDr. Dmitry Bocharov
Interpretation of the Cu K-edge EXAFS spectra of Cu3N using ab initio molecular dynamics
InstrumentationDr. Gülperi Cavusoglu
Investigation of a Rh/CeO2 Catalyst and a Pd Membrane in a Micro-Structured Membrane Reactor
CatalysisDr. Husn Ubayda Islam
Operando Infrared and XAS study of NO adsorption on zeolite supported palladium under complex gas feeds
Material ScienceDr. Soma Chattopadhyay
In situ XANES/EXAFS study of the formation of doped and undoped hollow γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicineDr. Michael Haumann
Effective Intermediate-Spin Iron in O2-Transporting Heme Proteins
19:00-23:00Conference Dinner
Day 5: Thursday, 26th July
9:00-11:30Excursion - Kraków Walking Tour
Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlines Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlinesMagnetismMagnetismRadioactive and nuclear materialsRadioactive and nuclear materialsNew methods and combination of techniques New methods and combination of techniques
room: EH-A
chair: Jakob Andreasson
room: EH-B
chair: Philippe Sainctavit
room: MH-A
chair: Melissa Denecke
room: MH-B
chair: Edmund Welter
11:30-11:40Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlinesKN
Dr. Narcizio Souza-Neto

X-ray spectroscopy at the Extreme condition Beamline of Sirius source: study of rare earths and actinides
Dr. Amelie Juhin

Advanced magnetic spectroscopies for the fine characterization of magnetic nanomaterials
Radioactive and nuclear materialsKN
Dr. Tonya Vitova

HR-XANES/RIXS structural studies of actinide materials
New methods and combination of techniquesKN
Dr. Valentina Migliorati

Structural properties of disordered systems: a combined Molecular Dynamics and XAS approach
12:00-12:10InstrumentationDr. Marcin Zając
PEEM/XAS beamline at SOLARIS: Status of the commissioning and first results
Dr. Marcin Sikora

Mixed valence oxides – interplay between structure and magnetism revealed by X-ray spectroscopy
Radioactive and nuclear materialsDr. Joerg Rothe
XAFS and µ-XANES/XRF investigation of highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel fragments at the KIT synchrotron source
New methods and combination of techniquesProf. Christopher Chantler
Accuracy and insight possible with advanced methods in absorption and fluorescence XAS
12:20-12:30InstrumentationDr. Wolfgang A. Caliebe
XAFS at PETRA IV – What can be done?
Radioactive and nuclear materialsDr. Sergei Butorin
Electronic structure of actinide compounds by high-resolution x-ray absorption spectroscopy
New methods and combination of techniquesDr. Steffen Witte
S2XAFS@work: Customization for the Characterization of VOx based Catalysts
12:30-12:40MagnetismDr. Michał Studniarek
Slowing down magnetization relaxation of lanthanide phthalocyanine double deckers using a thin oxide film
12:40-12:50InstrumentationDr. Thomas Huthwelker
XES Microspectroscopy: A new von Hamos Spectrometer for tender x-rays at the PHOENIX beamline
Radioactive and nuclear materialsMr. Evgeny Gerber
High energy resolution X-ray spectroscopy and diffraction studies of plutonium oxide nanoparticles
New methods and combination of techniquesMs. Ellie Dann
Following the Evolution of Supported PdO nanoparticle catalysts using a combined XAFS/DRIFTS method
13:15-14:30Meeting of the German XAFS Community
room: EH-A
General Assembly of the Polish Synchrotron Radiation Society
room: MH-A
session cont'dsession cont'dX-ray microscopy and tomography X-ray microscopy and tomographyX-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyX-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photon-out spectroscopy
room: EH-A
chair: Marek Stankiewicz
room: EH-B
chair: Sakura Pascarelli
room: MH-A
chair: Joerg Goettlicher
room: MH-B
chair: Gyorgy Vanko
Dr. Przemysław Wachulak

Laser plasma source of the extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation for NEXAFS and imaging applications
Dr. Gloria Subias

Charge and magnetic orders in single-layer transition-metal oxides: an insight from XAS, XES and REXS
X-ray microscopy and tomographyKN
Prof. Alessandro Olivo

Non-interferometric approaches to x-ray phase contrast imaging
X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyKN
Dr. Christoph Sahle

X-ray Raman scattering spectroscopy

15:00-15:10InstrumentationMr. Nicola Di Palo
Attosecond Water-Window Soft X-ray source for XANES
MagnetismMs. Hebatalla Elnaggar
Dynamical local correlations in Magnetite revealed by Fe 2p3d RIXS MCD
X-ray microscopy and tomographyProf. Masao Kimura
Identification of trigger sites in crack-formation during heterogeneous reduction of iron-ore sinters using persistent homology
X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyMs. Fukiko Ota
Theoretical calculation of X-ray absorption near edge structure and photoelectron angular distribution for gas-phase molecule
15:20-15:30InstrumentationDr. Steve Heald
Sector 25 at the APS-U: Two new beamlines for spectroscopy
MagnetismMr. Juliusz Kuciakowski
Development of superparamagnetism in solutions of nanoparticles studied by means of 1s2p RIXS-MCD
X-ray microscopy and tomographyProf. J. Fred Mosselmans
Using XANES mapping to examine the speciation of metal debris in tissue
X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyProf. Joaquin Garcia
Charge superstructure in single-layered La2-xCaxCoO4±δ (0.4≤x≤0.7) studied by resonant x-ray scattering
15:40-15:50InstrumentationDr. Messaoud Harfouche
XAFS/XRF Beamline at SESAME: First Monochromatic Light in the Middle East
MagnetismDr. S. Fatemeh Shams
Characterization of Pd-decorated cobalt ferrite nanoparticles for magnetic ferrofluid hyperthermia applications
X-ray microscopy and tomographyDr. Zou Finfrock
Confocal x-ray fluorescence microscopy at the Advanced Photon Source sector 20
X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopyMr. Saleh Aghakhani
Isolated Ag Cations Interacting with Luminescent Ag Clusters Confined in FAU Zeolites Identified as Highly Active Sites for CO Oxidation By a Combination of XEOL-XAFS, DRIFT and PL Spectroscopy
CatalysisCatalysissession cont'dRadioactive and nuclear materialsRadioactive and nuclear materialsJoint CXAFS/IXAS sessionJoint CXAFS/IXAS session
room: EH-A
chair: Kiyotaka Asakura
room: EH-B
chair: Gloria Subias
room: MH-A
chair: Tonya Vitova
room: MH-B
chair: Christopher Chantler
16:30-16:40CatalysisDr. Rok Bohinc
Distribution of aluminum over different T-sites in ferrierite zeolites studied with aluminum valence to core X-ray emission spectroscopy
MagnetismDr. Hengli Duan
Beating the exclusion rule against the coexistence of robust luminescence and ferromagnetism in chalcogenide monolayers
RadioactiveDr. Akihiro Uehara
High temperature reactions of UO2, ZrO2, B4C, CaO, and SiO2 under reducing and oxidizing atmospheres
Short introduction
16:40-16:50Joint CXAFS/IXAS sessionProf. Farideh Jalilehvand
Aerobic Reactions of Antitumor Active Rh2(CH3COO)4 with Glutathione, Cysteine and Its Derivatives
16:50-17:00CatalysisDr. Aleksandra Wandzilak
STXM study of Fe-based NH3 synthesis and decomposition catalyst
MagnetismDr. Verena Ney
Electric field-induced changes in the magnetic properties in doped semiconductors with lack of inversion symmetry
RadioactiveMr. Aaron Beck
U/Pu M4,5 edge HR-XANES investigations (i) of aqueous/colloidal Pu and (ii) at the Zircaloy cladding/spent nuclear fuel interface
17:00-17:10Joint CXAFS/IXAS sessionProf. Peter Krüger
Transition metal L-edge spectra with ligand-field multiplet parameters from density functional theory
17:10-17:20CatalysisDr. Yuanjie Cao
Structure-activity correlations of Co single-sites photocatalyst studied by XAFS
MagnetismDr. Nadejda Bouldi
Electronic and magnetic properties of iron hydride under pressure using XAS and XMCD at the Fe K-edge: a combined theoretical and experimental study
RadioactiveDr. René Bes
X-ray absorption spectroscopy at laboratory scale: towards new actinide research opportunities.
17:20-17:30Joint CXAFS/IXAS sessionDr. Hidekazu Ikeno
Analyzing RIXS and RIXS-MCD of Iron Oxides by the Ab-initio Multiplet Method
17:30-17:40CatalysisMr. Cody Wrasman
Structure-activity relationships of Au-Pd single-atom alloys for selective oxidation studied by EXAFS
MagnetismDr. Hao Tan
XAFS study on the ferromagnetism in Mn-doped MoS2 nanosheets
RadioactiveDr. Sarah Saslow
Understanding Tc-99 Retention in Ettringite for Improving Cementitious Waste Forms
17:40-17:50Joint CXAFS/IXAS sessionMr. Ryan Trevorah
Solving Self-Absorption in Fluorescence: Stereochemical Analysis of mM solutions

Poster Session II

List of posters
Day 6: Friday, 27th July
Prof. Andrea Di Cicco

X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy investigations of disordered matter
room: LH
chair: Daniel Haskel
11:00-11:15Tadashi Matsushita's session
Hitoshi Abe, Sakura Pascarelli, Kiyotaka Asakura

room: LH
chair: Hiroyuki Oyanagi
11:30-11:40Ed Stern's session
Daniel Haskel, Matthew Newville, Bruce Bunker

room: LH
chair: Hiroyuki Oyanagi
12:10-12:20IXAS Awards
Matthew Newville, Pieter Glatzel
Summary remarks & Closing

14:00-16:00SOLARIS Tour

PL – Plenary Lecture
KN – Keynote Lecture

Applied X-ray techniques Applied X-ray techniques
Catalysis Catalysis
Earth and environmental sciences Earth and environmental sciences
Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlines Instrumentation, new sources and new beamlines
Joint CXAFS/IXAS session Joint CXAFS/IXAS session
Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicine Life science, biology, biochemistry and medicine
Magnetism Magnetism
Materials science and energy-related materials Materials science and energy-related materials

Nanotechnology Nanotechnology
New methods and combination of techniques New methods and combination of techniques
Radioactive and nuclear materials Radioactive and nuclear materials
Soft matter, Atoms & Molecules Soft matter, Atoms & Molecules
Software, data analysis, theoretical methods Software, data analysis, theoretical methods
Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniques Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, time-resolved and ultrafast techniques
X-ray microscopy and tomography X-ray microscopy and tomography
X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photo-out spectroscopy X-ray scattering, electron spectroscopy, photon-in & photon-out spectroscopy