Exhibitors & Sponsors
Silver Sponsor



Dear Exhibitor and Sponsor
The 17th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure will be accompanied by the exhibition taking place in the Auditorium Maximum – conference venue.
Sponsors of the XAFS 2018 are offered an excellent opportunity to promote relevant products and services to a quality audience of key decision makers. You can participate in one or more of the following ways:
- as a sponsor of the Conference
- by participating in the Conference Exhibition
- as an advertiser in the conferences material (flyers and other printed material to be delivered in the conferences bag)
- other items (website advertiser, conferences bags, notepads, pencils etc.)
- your own suggestions
Sponsors are free to make their selection from the list of sponsorship opportunities.
Here you can download sponsorship and exhibition related files
Potential Sponsors and Exhibitors are kindly invited to request information from the exhibition office – Mazurkas Congress & Conference Management at:
Sponsorship and exhibition options
Platinum Sponsor
- Sponsorship of one of the following:
– IXAS Outstanding Achievement Award (Ed Stern Prize)
– IXAS Young Scientist Award (Dale Sayers Prize)
– IXAS Young Scientist Award (Farrel Lytle Prize)
– Conference dinner - Exhibition space 10 m2. Sponsors will be able to choose the space location within the given exhibition area and will be treated on a “first come-first served” basis.
- 3 complimentary registrations including Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner
- Full page advertisement in color in the abstract book.
- Company logo on circulars and all conference printed materials.
- Company logo on conference website with direct link.
- Company brochure/CD/DVD in conference bag (materials must be provided by the company).
- Company name on sponsors’ list.
Note: Any additional requirements and hospitality services will be priced and provided separately.
Price: 10.000 EUR + VAT
Gold Sponsor
- Sponsorship of one of the following:
– Conference bags with logo of sponsor
– Welcome reception - Exhibition space 8 m2. Sponsors will be able to choose the space location within the given exhibition area and will be treated on a “first come-first served” basis.
- 2 complimentary registrations including Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner
- Full page advertisement in color in the abstract book.
- Company logo on circulars and all conference printed materials.
- Company logo on conference website with direct link.
- Company brochure/CD/DVD in conference bag (materials must be provided by the company).
- Company name on sponsors’ list.
Note: Any additional requirements and hospitality services will be priced and provided separately.
Price: 7.500 EUR + VAT
Silver Sponsor
- Sponsorship of one of the following:
– Coffee break
– Poster session refreshments
– Poster award. - Exhibition space 6 m2. Sponsors will be able to choose the space location within the given exhibition area and will be treated on a “first come-first served” basis.
- 1 complimentary registrations including Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner
- Full page advertisement in color in the abstract book.
- Company logo on circulars and all conference printed materials.
- Company logo on conference website with direct link.
- Company brochure/CD/DVD in conference bag (materials must be provided by the company).
- Company name on sponsors’ list.
Note: Any additional requirements and hospitality services will be priced and provided separately.
Price: 5.000 EUR + VAT
Regular Exhibitor
- Acknowledgement as a Regular Exhibitor in the Final Programme and on the website.
- Exhibition space 4 m2. Exhibitors will be able to choose the space location within the given exhibition area and will be treated on a “first come-first served” basis.
- 1 complimentary registrations
- Company logo on conference website with direct link.
- Company name on exhibitors’ list.
Note: Any additional requirements and hospitality services will be priced and provided separately.
Price: 2.000 EUR + VAT