Invited and contributed papers presented at the XAFS17 will be published in a special volume of the Radiation Physics and Chemistry (Elsevier), new impact factor is 1,435, previously it was 1,315.
Submission of papers to the Proceedings should be done directly via EVISE – Elsevier’s new web-based system to support the editorial process for journals which will be available from July 22nd until September 30th, 2018. In order to speed up the publication process we encourage you to submit your manuscripts as soon as possible.
Papers submitted to the Proceedings will be peer-reviewed.
Instructions for submission
How to submit:
- Prior the submission you have to register if you don’t have EVISE profile credentials.
- The submission website for Radiation Physics and Chemistry journal is located at: - To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special XAFS17 issue, it is important that authors select ‘XAFS17’ when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process.
Guideline for the proceedings preparation:
In addition, please note that the length of the manuscript should not exceed:
- 8 pages for Plenary Lecturers
- 6 pages for Keynote Speakers
- 4 pages for other contributions
Please consider: 1 page is equivalent to 3000 characters.
The accepted papers will be available also as Open Access until December 31st, 2021.