Multi-Pole Approach to Structural Science

May 10 - 13, 2015

Miroslaw Cygler

Professor, Department of Biochemistry
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Adjunct Professor
McGill University, Montreal Quebec, Canada

Education - M.Sc., University of Lodz, 1970; Ph.D., University of Lodz, 1976. Post-doctoral fellowship at the National Research Council of Canada in Ottawa, 1979-81; University of Alberta, Edmonton, 1981-87; Biotechnology Research Institute, NRC, Montreal, 1987-2011; Adjunct Professor, Department of Biochemistry, McGill University, Montreal, since 1992; University of Saskatchewan since October 2011, Canada Research Chair in Molecular Medicine Using Synchrotron Light since January 2012; Director of the Centre for Proteomics Research in Interactions and Structure of Macromolecules (PRISM)

Fields of interest - structural biology of protein complexes, enzyme mechanisms, host-pathogen interactions.

~260 publications, ~10,500 total citations, H-index 49, over 200 structures in PDB, supervised 6 Ph.D. students, trained >40 postdoctoral fellows.