Multi-Pole Approach to Structural Science

May 10 - 13, 2015

Krzysztof Woźniak

Professor, Biological and Chemical Research Centre, Department of Chemistry
University of Warsaw, Poland
Head: Crystallochemistry Lab.; Structural Research Laboratory; Biomacromolecular Research Lab. (under construction)

Previous posts: Postdoc – Chemistry Department Cambridge University(1994/95), Visiting professor - H. Poincare Univ, Nancy, France(2006); Sabbatical stay - Chemistry Department Cambridge University(2014)

Education: M.Sc. (chemistry) Warsaw Univ. (1986); Ph.D. (chemistry) Warsaw Univ. (1992); D.Sc. (physical chemistry) Warsaw Univ. (1998); Full Professor (chemistry) 2002

Fields of interest: experimental studies of charge density, weak interactions in the solid state, crystallographic methodology, supramolecular chemistry, minerals, proton sponges, structure and properties of catalysts, methods beyond IAM, XPS, solid state NMR and its applications

~270 publications, ~3400 total citations, H-index 31

Supervised 11 Ph.D. fellows (+ currently 6 under supervision)

Member of: Polish Chemical Society, Polish Crystallographic Associations, American Crystallographic Association, Cambridge Philosophical

Awards: Foundation for Polish Science and NCN Master Awards, Invited participant of the 21st Solvay Conference in Chemistry (2007)