Program konferencji
Wykłady zaproszone
Referaty sponsorskie
Wtorek, 1 września |
800-900 |
Rejestracja |
900-940 |
Otwarcie Sympozjum |
940-1020 |
L-01 |
J. Szlachetko |
Electronic structure of matter probed under in-situ conditions by means of X-ray spectroscopy techniques |
1020-1100 |
L-02 |
T. Tyliszczak |
Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy – Chemical Analysis on nanoscale |
1100-1140 |
Przerwa kawowa |
1140-1200 |
O-01 |
P. Starowicz |
Momentum dependence of a Kondo Resonance in Ce2Co0.8Si3.2 |
1200-1220 |
O-02 |
Y. Melikhov |
Structural evolution of (Ga,Mn)As thin film during medium temperature post growth annealing manifested by XAS |
1220-1240 |
O-03 |
M. Pławecki |
Fabrication and characterization of multilayer solar cells |
1240-1300 |
O-04 |
J. Kubacki |
Application of X-ray absorption and resonant photoemission spectroscopy to study electronic states of iron through 3p-3d transition in SrTiO3:Fe epitaxial film |
1300-1420 |
Przerwa obiadowa |
1420-1500 |
L-03 |
I.N. Demchenko |
Elemental and orbital-selective characterization of semiconductor materials by X-ray spectroscopy - XAS, RIXS and XPS |
1500-1540 |
L-04 |
A. Burian |
Wide-angle X-ray scattering and Reverse Monte Carlo studies of Fe80B20, Co80B20, Mg60Cu30Y10 metallic glasses |
1540-1620 |
Przerwa kawowa |
1620-1640 |
O-05 |
H. Fiedorowicz |
Laboratory sources of soft X-rays and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) based on laser plasmas produced with a gas puff target |
1640-1700 |
S-01 |
T. Stempel |
New developments in small spot and imaging Near Ambient Pressure XPS |
1720-2100 |
Welcome Party |
Środa, 2 września |
900-940 |
L-05 |
L. Vasylechko |
Structural, electronic and magnetic phase transitions in complex oxide perovskites probed by X-ray synchrotron powder diffraction |
940-1020 |
L-06 |
Cz. Ślusarczyk |
Badanie w czasie rzeczywistym procesu krystalizacji polietylenu przy zastosowaniu rozpraszania promieniowania synchrotronowego pod małymi kątami |
1020-1040 |
O-06 |
D. Paliwoda |
Single-crystal X-ray diffraction at extreme conditions |
1040-1100 |
O-07 |
J. Pełka |
High-brilliance X-ray sources: a bright future for life science studies |
1100-1140 |
Przerwa kawowa |
1140-1220 |
O-08 |
M. Kozak |
SAXS studies of selected flexible proteins or proteins of modular structure |
1220-1240 |
O-09 |
M. Taube |
Solution structure of the plant HSP90-SGT1 complex with ADP |
1240-1300 |
O-10 |
W. Gospodarczyk |
Influence of microfluidic flow on amyloid aggregation of hen egg white lysozyme |
1300-1420 |
Przerwa obiadowa |
1420-1500 |
L-07 |
A. Drzewiecka-Antonik |
Structural studies of metal-organic ligand complexes using X-ray absorption spectroscopy |
1500-1540 |
L-08 |
J. Cebulski |
Study of phonon spectra of (Cd,Hg)Te-based semiconductor solid solutions using synchrotron radiation |
1540-1600 |
S-02 |
T. Glenc |
Dyfraktometry Rigaku, nowe informacj |
1600-1640 |
Przerwa kawowa |
1600-1800 |
Sesja posterowa |
1800-1930 |
Walne zgromadzenie członków Polskiego Towarzystwa Promieniowania Synchrotronowego |
Czwartek, 3 września |
900-940 |
L-09 |
W. Gawełda |
Status and science program of the European XFEL |
940-1020 |
L-10 |
R. Sobierajski |
Phase transitions in solids under irradiations with x-ray free electrons lasers – characteristic time scales. |
1020-1040 |
O-11 |
R. Mroczka |
Micro-X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer with X-ray single bounce metallic capillary optics for light element analysis |
1040-1100 |
O-13 |
I. Jacyna |
Investigation of morphological and structural changes in thin Au, Pt films and ultrathin Pt/Co/Pt sandwiches induced by nanosecond pulses from laser-plasma source operating in the EUV region |
1100-1120 |
Przerwa kawowa |
1120-1140 |
S-03 |
T. Hagedorn |
Scienta Omicron – a new company |
1140-1220 |
L-11 |
M. Sikora |
Magnetic impurities in the bulk and on the surface of 3D topological insulators probed using soft X-ray spectroscopyrs probed using soft X-ray spectroscopy |
1220-1300 |
L-12 |
M. Kręglewski |
High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy using synchrotron light source |
1300-1420 |
Przerwa obiadowa |
1420-1600 |
Zwiedzanie Śląskiego Międzyuczelnianego Centrum Edukacji i Badań Interdyscyplinarnych |
1600-1640 |
L-13 |
J. Kołodziej |
UARPES -Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy beamline at National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS |
1640-1700 |
O-12 |
P. Goryl |
Solaris control and IT systems towards beamline users |
1700-1740 |
Przerwa kawowa |
1800-2000 |
Wycieczka konferencyjna |
2000-2200 |
Kolacja konferencyjna |
Piątek, 4 września |
830-1140 |
Wycieczka do Narodowego Centrum Promieniowania Synchrotronowego SOLARIS |
1000-1140 |
L-14 |
M. Stankiewicz |
Prezentacja SOLARIS |
1140-1200 |
Przerwa kawowa |
1200-1340 |
Panel dyskusyjny SOLARIS |
1340-1400 |
Zamknięcie XI Krajowego Sympozjum Użytkowników Promieniowania Synchrotronowego |
1400-1500 |
Przerwa obiadowa |
1500-1600 |
Powrót do Chorzowa |
- L-01
- Jakub Szlachetko
Synchrotron Light Source Villigen -
Electronic structure of matter probed under in-situ conditions by means of X-ray spectroscopy techniques
- L-02
- Tolek Tyliszczak
University of California Berkeley, USA -
Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy – Chemical Analysis on nanoscale
- L-03
- Iraida Demchenko
Instytut Fizyki PAN -
Elemental and orbital-selective characterization of semiconductor materials by X-ray spectroscopy - XAS, RIXS and XPS
- L-04
- Andrzej Burian
Uniwersytet Śląski -
Wide-angle X-ray scattering and Reverse Monte Carlo studies of Fe80B20, Co80B20, Mg60Cu30Y10 metallic glasses
- L-05
- Leonid Vasylechko
Lviv Polytecnic National University - Structural, electronic and magnetic phase transitions in complex oxide perovskites probed by X-ray synchrotron powder diffraction
- L-06
- Czesław Ślusarczyk
Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej -
Badanie w czasie rzeczywistym procesu krystalizacji polietylenu przy zastosowaniu rozpraszania promieniowania synchrotronowego pod małymi kątami.
- L-07
- A. Drzewiecka-Antonik
Institute of Physics PAS -
Badania strukturalne kompleksów metalo-organicznych przy użyciu rentgenowskiej spektroskopii absorpcyjnej
- L-08
- J. Cebulski
Chair of Applied Physics, University of Rzeszow -
Study of phonon spectra of (Cd,Hg)Te-based semiconductor solid solutions using synchrotron radiation
- L-09
- W. Gawelda
European XFEL GmbH -
Status and science program of the European XFEL
- L-10
- Ryszard Sobierajski
Instytut Fizyki PAN -
Phase transitions in solids under irradiations with x-ray free electrons lasers – characteristic time scales”
- L-11
- Marcin Sikora
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie -
Magnetic impurities in the bulk and on the surface of 3D topological insulators probed using soft X-ray spectroscopy
- L-12
- M. Kręglewski
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu -
Wykorzystanie promieniowania synchrotronowego do rejestracji widma o wysokiej rozdzielczości w podczerwieni
- L-13
- J.J. Kolodziej
Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University -
UARPES -Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy beamline at National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS
- L-14
- Marek Stankiewicz
Synchrotron SOLARIS -
Prezentacja SOLARIS
Organizatorzy udostępniają wykładowcom komputer (Office 2010), rzutnik i prezenter multimedialny. Na wygłoszenie wykładu w ramach sesji plenarnych (zaproszeni goście) przewiduje się 40min (35 min referat + 5 minut dyskusja) Na wygłoszenie referatu w ramach sesji sekcyjnej przewiduje się 20min (15 min referat + 5 minut dyskusja)
- O-01
- P. Starowicz
- Momentum dependence of a Kondo Resonance in Ce2Co0.8Si3.2
- O-02
- Y. Melikhov
- Structural evolution of (Ga,Mn)As thin film during medium temperature post growth annealing manifested by XAS
- O-03
- M. Pławecki
- Fabrication and characterization of multilayer solar cells
- O-04
- J. Kubacki
- Application of x-ray absorption and resonant photoemission spectroscopy to study electronic states of iron through 3p-3d transition for SrTiO3:Fe epitaxial film.
- O-05
- H. Fiedorowicz
- Laboratory sources of soft X-rays and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) based on laser plasmas produced with a gas puff target
- O-06
- D. Paliwoda
- Single-crystal X-ray diffraction at extreme conditions
- O-07
- J. Pełka
- High-brilliance X-ray sources: a bright future for life science studies
- O-08
- M. Kozak
- SAXS studies of selected flexible proteins or proteins of moldular structure
- O-09
- M.Taube
- Solution structure of the plant HSP90-SGT1 complex with ADP
- O-10
- W. Gospodarczyk
- Influence of microfluidic flow on amyloid aggregation of hen egg white lysozyme
- O-11
- R. Mroczka
- Micro-X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer with X-ray single bounce metallic capillary optics for light element analysis
- O-12
- P. Goryl
- Solaris control and IT systems towards beamline users
Postery prezentowane będą na tablicach miękkich o wymiarach: wysokość 150 cm i szerokość 110 cm. Organizatorzy zapewniają pinezki do przypinania posterów i inne potrzebne materiały biurowe.
- P-01
- B.A. Orlowski
- Synchrotron radiation photoemission study of doped semiconductors valence band
- P-02
- R. Minikayev
- The limit of CdTe solubility in PbTe and the phase diagram of (Pb,Cd)Te solid solution
- P-03
- R. Rapacz
- Atomic and electronic struture of Bi-Te films grown at various conditions by MBE method
- P-04
- W. Paszkowicz
Compressibility and electronic structure variation with pressure for EuVO4: A combined experimental and computational study
- P-05
- P. Solarz
- Energy transfer processes to Eu3+ ions in K5Li2GdF10 doped with Eu3+, Pr3+, Tb3+ and Dy3+ upon VUV excitation.
- P-06
- A. Bajorek
- Electronic structure of selected ternary samarium compounds
- P-07
- A. Wolska
- Local structure around Co atoms in the ion and light irradiated magnetic trilayers
- P-08
- D.Klinger
- Morphological and structural modifications induced in ultrathin metallic films by nanosecond pulses from EUV laser-plasma source.
- P-09
- I. Jacyna
- Investigation of morphological and structural changes in ultrathin Pt/Co/Pt trilayers induced by nanosecond pulses from EUV plasma source.
- P-10
- E. Dynowska
- Structural properties of Fe/Pt multilayers before and after ion beam irradiation
- P-11
- M.T. Klepka
- XANES and EXAFS studies of bioactive metallo-organic complexes in solid and liquid state
- P-12
- K. Lawniczak-Jablonska
- XAFS estimation of the catalytic centre in double metal cyanide catalysts
- P-13
- Ż. Kołodziejska
- Trimeric surfactants – new effective carries for gene therapy
- P-14
- M. Skupin
- Structural studies of nanosystems based on zwitterionic sugar-based surfactants as innovative gene delivery systems
- P-15
- W. Andrzejewska
- Studies of dsDNA and siRNA oligomers in complexes with tricationic surfactants using biophysical methods.
- P-16
- M. Kręcisz
- Physical characterization of BMV capsid protein
- P-17
- M.A. Śmiałek
- Valence and ionic lowest-lying electronic states of small esters studied by high resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption, photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations
- P-18
- Z. Pietralik
- Spectroscopic characterization of human cystatin C and its mutants
- P-19
- T.J. Wasowicz
- Hydrogen migration in formation of NH(A3Π) radicals in photodissociations of isoxazole and pyridine molecules
- P-20
- K Żebrowska
- Local Electronic and Crystal Structures of FeTe Doped with Cobalt
- P-21
- M. Bagińska
- Two Step Transition and Suppression of Monoclinic Distortion in FeTe Doped with Nickel
- P-22
- M. Wojdyła
- Local Electronic and Crystal Structures of FeTe Doped with Nickel
- P-23
- P. Piszora
- Li0.95Mn2.05O4 under high pressure and at elevated temperature in DAC.
- P-24
- K. Szutkowski
- The dynamics of micellization of gemini imidazolium surfactants studied by NMR, FT-IR and SR-SAXS
- S-01
- T. Stempel
- SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH
New developments in small spot and imaging Near Ambient Pressure XPS - S-02
- T. Glenc
- Testchem sp. z o.o.
Dyfraktometry Rigaku,nowe informacje - S-03
- T. Hagedorn
- Scienta Omicron GmbH
Scienta Omicron – a new company