zorganizowanego przez Polskie Towarzystwo Promieniowania Synchrotronowego
przy współudziale Instytutu Fizyki PAN
w 100. rocznicę odkrycia promieni X

Wtorek, 6 czerwca 1995 (Tuesday, 6-th June 1995)

10.00 Otwarcie (opening ceremony)
10.15 T. Wroblewski - An-X-ray camera
10.55 L.-C. Duda - Magnetic circular dichroism in X-ray fluorescence
11.35 przerwa na kawę (coffee break)
12.00 J. Grochowski - Single crystal structure analysis using classic and synchrotron radiation sources
12.40 J. Kanski - Surface studies by photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation
13.20 przerwa obiadowa (lunch break)
14.20 sesja plakatowa (poster session)
15.15 J. Lemmerich - Wilhelm Konrad-Roentgen - his life and work

16.30 Walne Zgromadzenie PTPS (PSRS Meeting)
19.00 spotkanie towarzyskie (get-together party)

Środa, 7 czerwca 1995 (Wednesday, 7-th June 1995)

9.00 R. Barrett, J. Baruchel, J. Härtwig and F. Zontone - X-ray diffraction topography at third generation synchrotron radiation facilities.
9.40 K. Ławniczak-Jabłońska, R.J. Iwanowski and Z. Gołacki - Local structure of ZnS and ZnSe doped by Mn, Fe, Co and Ni
10.20 M. Zimnal-Starnawska - Optical properties of AII-BVI semiconducting compounds with transition metals in the 1-25 eV energy range
11.00 przerwa na kawę (coffee brak)
11.30 B. Orłowski, B.J. Kowalski and R.L. Johnson - Resonant photoemission spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation
12.10 J. Krzywiński - Free-electron lasers - towards coherent X-rays
13.00 przerwa obiadowa (lunch break)
14.00 K. Godwod - Application of X-rays and synchrotron radiation to investigation of the bone structure and density
14.40 T. Chassé - Photoelectron spectroscopy at synchrotron radiation sources in modern chemistry - selected problems
15.30 A. Burian - Determination of partial structure factors for amorphous CdAs films by anomalous wide angle x-ray scattering using synchrotron radiation
15.50 I. Tilinin - Angular distribution of signal photoelectrons ejected from solids by polarized X-rays
16.10 N. Chukhovskii, C. Malgrange and J. Gronkowski - X-ray standing waves in crystals distorted by a constant strain gradient. A theoretical study
16.30 A. Kuczumow - Principles and application of X-ray capillary optics
17.00 zamknięcie obrad (closing ceremony)